Mission: Working together to help student athletes developinto leaders in the classroom, the community, and on the athletic field through high expectations, accountability, encouragement, perserverance, and determination.
2024-25 Fall Registration
Online registration is now open! Get a jump start on completing your 2024-25 online registration!
Athletic registration for Fall Sportsmust be completed online through FinalForms, so please don’t wait until the last minute.
Kamiak Offices are closed during the summer and will re-open mid-August.
Athletic registration for Fall Sports should be completed no later than Friday, Aug. 16, 2024.
To be cleared by the Athletic Office, please complete the following:
Athletic registration must be completed by a parent/guardian, online through FinalForms.
Additional forms may be required to be submitted based on your situation (e.g., Running Start, New Student packet, etc.)
Student-athletes will receive an email to sign forms after the parent/guardian registers them in FinalForms.
Maintain a current and valid athletic/sport physical on file in the athletic office. Physicals are valid for 2 years from the date of the examination. In order to be valid, physicals must not expire during the season in which you are seeking clearance.
Purchase an ASB card ($40) from bookkeeping or during “Back to School Business Days.”
Incoming Seniors: Aug. 20
Incoming Juniors/Sophomores: Aug. 21
Incoming Freshmen: Aug. 22
Athletic clearance through the Athletic Office must be completed prior to a student-athlete being allowed to turnout for a fall sport.
Fee waivers will be granted to students who participate in the WSAC College Bound Scholarship program or qualify for free or reduced-price meal benefits and have consented to share their data with other programs within the District. More information and application links will be sent to families in mid-August.