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State Financial Aid for Undocumented Individuals and Select Non-Citizens.


The WASFA is a financial aid application for students ineligible to file a FAFSA


Washington State offers financial aid programs to students who are not eligible for federal financial aid because of immigration status. These students still need to meet other program requirements. 


To find out if you qualify, complete the free WASFA to apply for state financial aid - hReady Set Grad.- wasfa.


The WASFA provides Washington State Need Grants to low-income, non-citizen students who meet the program’s eligibility requirements and satisfy the residency criteria below:

  • Graduated from a Washington high school with a diploma, earned a GED, or earned a diploma equivalent. High school graduates must have finished their full senior year at a Washington high school.
  • Lived in Washington for at least three consecutive years (36 consecutive months) immediately before the date you earned a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent.
  • Continuously lived in Washington after the date you earned a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent.


Students with the College Bound Scholarship must file their FAFSA or WASFA as close to October 1 of your Senior year to receive maximum financial assistance.


The WASFA is the most important document that a student needs to be eligible for financial aid from state and school levels. It is recommended that you complete your WASFA in October (or as close to October as you can) to ensure you do not miss any college deadlines and receive the best financial package (financial aid is given out on a first-come, first-served basis). However, each college has their own priority filing deadline. For students planning to attend a Washington State school it is recommended that you file your WASFA before January 15th – you may still apply after January 15th, however the amount of money schools have to distribute begins to be given out by their priority filing deadline and it would be good for you to have your WASFA in once funds begin to be allocated. Community colleges require WASFA applications to be submitted by March, of your Senior year.