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Kamiak Weekly Update

Posted Date: 9/27/24 (5:15 PM)

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KAMIAK WEEKLY UPDATE ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 
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What a joy it was seeing so many of our Kamiak families at Curriculum Night this week. Thank you to all who attended. 

While together, I shared that Kamiak is indeed a great place to teach, lead, learn, and grow. We have a top-performing school by many measures. And, part of how we stay excellent is looking for ways to improve. Here, we build something called our School Improvement Plan around those ways to improve. Our plan has four goals: 

  • More students doing well in Math
  • More students doing well in English
  • A greater sense of belonging for everyone
  • Better systems when we struggle

This year, I will use this space to share how our families can support our goals (and the success of our children as learners). 

For today’s message, I need to ask for your help with examining and refining habits. The habits that students form can determine whether students experience success or experience struggle. Here are some good questions to ask: 

  • Consistent Study Schedule: Where and when is studying happening? Regularly dedicating specific times for homework and studying helps students manage their time effectively.
  • Active Note-taking: Can you show me notes you are taking for your classes? Using methods like summarization, outlining, or highlighting key points during class or while reading can be excellent ways for students to engage deeply with their learning. It doesn’t have to be fancy to be good. 
  • Asking Questions and Seeking Help: Do you have an adult at Kamiak you can trust to support you if you need help? Reaching out for help (especially when concepts are unclear) is one way teenagers develop agency over their lives in preparation for adulthood. 
  • Goal-setting and Planning: For ninth grade students, please ask they to show you their planners. In the planner, there is a monthly section for setting both short-term and long-term goals. For older students, ask where they set and track their goals. Older students should be able to tell you how they break bigger tasks into smaller action steps. 
  • Minimizing Distractions: Ask where your child feels like they can focus best? Creating a focused environment for study at home, free from distractions like phones, TV, or social media, is a great way to help your child succeed. 


Sept 15 - Oct 15 - Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15 through October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month. Stay tuned for lunch activities sponsored by Kamiak Leadership and Latino Student Union (LSU).

Oct 14-19 - Homecoming Week

Oct 14-19 - Homecoming Spirit Week (details to follow!)

Oct 17 - Homecoming Pep Assembly (adjusted bell schedule)

Oct 18 - Homecoming Football Game at Goddard Stadium

Oct 19 - Homecoming Dance

Oct 18 - No School

No school for students (teacher work day)

Oct 31 - Trunk or Treat

Bring your family to a safe trick or treating event sponsored by Kamiak High School.

Nov 7 - Photo RETAKE Day

This is for students requesting a retake of their photo (REQUIRED: unsatisfactory packet must be presentto exchange for the same packet with new photo), AND for students who missed previous photo opportunities and have not had a photo taken yet.

Check out the Dorian website for more information:


Trunk or Treat is back!

Kamiak is hosting Trunk or Treat on Oct. 31st from 5-6:30 pm. We are looking for candy donations to make this event possible.

Homecoming Formalwear Drive

Kamiak is hosting a Homecoming formalwear drive to help our students who want to attend Homecoming on Oct 19 but need something to wear. We are collecting gently used dresses, slacks, shirts, shoes, etc. You can donate items by dropping items off at the Kamiak main office until Oct 4. For more information please contact Crystal Stengele at

Health Room Updates😷🤒🤕

As we know, it’s cold a flu season. On average teens usually get “between 2 and 4 colds a year” ( And younger kids get common viruses even more often. In Mukilteo School District we are back to basics, and your child doesn’t have to stay home unless they have a fever, are vomiting, diarrhea (2x,) or have uncontrolled symptoms, such as excessive coughing or nose-blowing, or other concerns. See guidance here:

Of course we encourage all students to:

  • cover their cough or wear a mask,
  • wash their hands every time they’ve touched their face or blown their nose, 
  • avoid close contact with others when they’re feeling sick, 
  • get extra rest, (reschedule optional activities when they’re sick, restrict night-time screen use, and get enough sleep, 8-10 hours,)
  • consider screening for COVID,* 
  • or see their regular care provider for other tests or treatment, if needed.

*To order home COVID tests see: : COVID Home Tests | USPS

Your pediatrician or care provider may also recommend certain vaccines or medications. All medications, even over-the-counter pain pills or cold medicine must be kept in the health room, and be accompanied by a complete Mediation Authorization form. (Epipens and inhalers may be self-carry if authorized by the School Nurse and parents/guardians.)

If you your student must be ABSENT, please contact: or see Kamiak Attendance webpage.

If your student becomes sick at school and must go home, they need to go to the Health Room to be released by staff, with parent/guardian’s permission.

If your student participates in athletics, clubs, co-curricular activities ( such as music,) or other extracurricular activities, please see the Code of Conduct. Generally, if a student is too sick to stay for school, they are considered too sick to attend evening practices, competitions, or performances.

Please see Kamiak’s Student Handbook, which your student should have reviewed already. It states: “Students are responsible for making up any missed work during an excused absence within the time limit specified by the teacher. Remember: Not all classroom activities can be replicated outside of the regular, classroom experience,” so we encourage students to come to school as much as possible.

Parents/guardians can excuse absences to manage their child’s mental health.[1] But frequent absences and missed work can sometimes cause more distress for students. Overuse of absences can exacerbate, prolong issues, or devolve into “school avoidance.” Please consult your student’s care provider or mental/behavioral health services for repeated or ongoing absences. Staying home can become a bad “habit and vicious cycle. The more you miss, the more difficult keeping up becomes.” And missing just 2 days a month could be considered chronic.

In general, students with fewer absences do better in school. [2]  See Attendance Works for more resources, or contact your child’s regular clinic for more help if needed.


2 Student Absenteeism: Who Misses School and How Missing School Matters for Performance, García, Emma; Weiss, Elaine, Economic Policy Institute, accessed online 11/29/22


[2] Student Absenteeism: Who Misses School and How Missing School Matters for Performance, García, Emma; Weiss, Elaine, Economic Policy Institute, accessed online 11/29/22

Student Drop Off and Pick Up Reminder

Traffic Flow Note - How to Exit

Fastest and Safest Option: Use the entrance from Harbour Pointe Boulevard near the Silver Lot on the south side of campus near the Performing Arts Center. Use both lanes for quicker pick-ups and drop-offs. If you need a moment longer, pull out of traffic into a parking lot so other drivers can keep moving. Exit out of the southeast corner of the Purple lot onto Chennault Beach Road. Drivers using this exit can turn either right or left. 

 Slower and Safe Option: Use the entrance from Harbour Pointe Boulevard near the White Lot on the north side of campus near the gym. Immediately after entering the lot, turn left and drive all the way into the parking area. Reminder: Cars are NOT allowed to drop off in the bus loop. Drivers in this lot must pull all the way into the lot and yield to buses. 
 Center Circle: This lot is intentionally closed to pick up and drop-off before and after school. By moving traffic through our two faster and safer options, we keep our students safe and our traffic flowing.
 ALL LOTS - Our staff who guide traffic flow and monitor crossings prioritize the safety of our students. Thank you for following all guidance you receive from these folks as they keep our students safe and traffic moving. 

Stay Informed

School Year Calendar

The 2024-25 school calendar is now available! The year-at-a-glance calendar is posted on the district website on the calendar page.The dates have also been entered on the public website calendar which feeds into the ParentSquare calendar.

ParentSquare Calendar Tip

Did you know you can add calendar events to your device's calendar? From the ParentSquare mobile app, go to the "events" icon. Dates with activities are shown with a circle around the date. Click on a date and then click the event. You have the option to add it to your device's calendar so you'll remember important events even when you're not checking ParentSquare.

From the desktop version of ParentSquare, click on the calendar tab on the left of your screen. You have the option to subscribe to the calendar, download the events, (and import to a personal calendar), or print the calendar by month.


Attendance Reminders

Absences and Early dismissals: Please email to excuse any absence or request an early dismissal. Please give as much notice as possible, but email at least ONE TO TWO DAYS IN ADVANCE for early dismissals or appointments.

Our school is large, spread across 5 buildings, has two lunches, PE classes that go off campus and 2,400 students. We cannot always easily pull your student from class in a timely manner if you do not let us know in advance.

We will send your child a pass in class so they can sign out in Attendance and meet you at your car in the front roundabout at the time you specify.

Late Arrivals or Return from Appointments: Anytime your student arrives on campus after 7:20am, we ask that they check in with Attendance on the 2nd floor BEFORE heading to class.

Pre-Arranged Absences for holiday travel: Students must complete a Pre-Arranged Absence form for any future absence of 3 or more days. The form is available here or in multiple languages at the link below and in the Attendance office. Please complete the form, have teachers and parent/guardian sign it and return it to the Attendance office.

Thank you for helping us with these processes. Much appreciated!

Vacation Absences - Policy Reminder

Per district policy, all vacation absences OF ANY LENGTH must be PRE-ARRANGED. In order to be excused, we must have a Pre-Arranged Absence form completed at least ONE WEEK prior to the absence. A link to that form is available here for your convenience or may be picked up in the Attendance office on the second floor. Please continue to email for absences or early dismissals due to appointments or illness at least one day in advance, if possible. Thank you for complying with this policy.


Open Conditioning 💪

 Attention all Kamiak Students! The Kamiak Wrestling team will begin sponsoring open conditioning from 5am-6:10am Monday thru Thursday starting on 9/23 and running thru 11/14. Open conditioning is open to all Kamiak students.

Boys Basketball Open Gym 🏀

Boys Basketball Open Gym will be on Tuesdays from 5-7 PM. All Kamiak students are welcome. 

Girls Basketball Open Gym 🏀

Kamiak Girls Basketball is sponsoring Open gyms on Thursdays from 5-7pm in the Kamiak main or aux gym beginning on October 3rd and running through November 7th

Support a Game this Weekend

Friday, Sept 27th

7:00 PM -- Varsity Football vs Arlington at Arlington HS Stadium

Saturday, Sept 28th

7:30 PM -- Varsity Girls Volleyball match at Shadle Park HS

Results from the Week

Friday, Sept 20th

Varsity Boys Football had an exciting game Friday with a 35-34 win over Meridian.

Saturday, Sept 22nd

Cross Country results - On Saturday the cross country teams raced at the South Whidbey Invitational. Colin Wear won the boys individual title while Molly Lesyna led the way for the girls. Ethan Siojo, Matt Musto, and Ava Flake also posted stand-out performances. 

Monday, Sept 23

Freshman Girls Volleyball team won 2-1 against Jackson, while both the JV and Varsity teams lost 3-0.

Tuesday, Sept 24th

Girls Swim Results - Jany Ryu was a double winner in our loss to Shorecrest yesterday. Iris Cho and Julia Loreno also had first place finishes. Katie Zou combined with Iris, Julia, and Jany for two wins. Nice job Knights!!

JV Girls Soccer triumphs 3-0 over Arlington and Varsity secures a 3-1 victory.

Wednesday, Sept 25th

The Freshman, JV, and Varsity Girls Volleyball teams all secured victories against Cascade, with Freshman winning 2-1, JV winning 3-0, and Varsity winning 3-1.

C-Team Boys Football won 26-14 against Bothell

Thursday, Sept 26th

Cross Country Results - The Kamiak Cross Country teams hosted Monroe and Lynnwood yesterday and came out on top in booth meets. Rena Kaku and Meagan Hoang finished 2-3 as the girls team placed 5 runners in the top 8 in the race. Colin Wear and Cole Henriksen led the boys back, with 8 of the top 13 runners, overall.

Varsity Girls Soccer won 8-1 and JV won 9-1 against Cascade

Athletic Spectator Expectations

To help the Athletic department create a positive and safe environment please remember the following Kamiak Spectator expectations:

Spectator Expectations

  • Negative, profane, or derogatory comments directed at opposing players, teams, fans, and/or officials are not allowed at Kamiak
  • We are always loud, proud, and positive when rooting for the Knights
  • We show love for our school and respect for our opponents
  • No signs without prior administrative approval
  • No artificial noisemakers
  • No open containers
  • No backpacks
  • No re-entry


Our student-athletes and coaches strive to demonstrate great sportsmanship while competing for Kamiak and we expect the same from our fans and our community. Fans who violate our Spectator expectations are subject to removal from the contest where the violation takes place and are subject to suspension from future contests, progressive school discipline (students), and/or issued No Trespass letters (adults). 

Here are the MSD Spectator Guidelines for your review:

Thanks for helping Kamiak demonstrate the best sportsmanship in Wesco. 


Go Knights!


Performing Arts Center at Kamiak

Rendering Picture of PAC
This year, the Mukilteo School District Performing Arts Center at Kamiak is receiving a significant upgrade. If you are curious about this project, here is a way to stay ‘in the know’ about the work taking place in the PAC.


Kamiak Drama Club 🎭

All Kamiak Students are welcome to Drama Club! Try new things and be a part of an amazing community in the drama department. Not a performer, or a techie? NOT A PROBLEM! Come make new friends, play some games, try new things, and learn about our amazingly talented and welcoming drama community! Drama Club meets on the first Friday every month in the Drama Room PAC116.

Knights In Action 👋

Hey Knights! Looking for a service hour opportunity, a chance to do good deeds at Kamiak, and/or a place to meet new friends? Join the club Knights in Action every Thursday in the CCRC afterschool. All are welcome!

Newspaper Club ✍🏻

The Kamiak Gauntlet is back! We meet in room 323 after school every Thursday. Everyone is welcome, whether you're an experienced writer or artist, or you want to try your hand at writing articles for the school paper. See you there!

Psychology/Philosophy Club is Back🤔

Hey Knights! Are you ready to put YOUR moral code to the test? Philosophy and Psychology club is BACK every other Wednesday to discuss whether or not cheating is ever justifiable. That's in room 148, newcomers are welcome! See you there.

Spanish Club Meets on Mon 👋

Spanish Club meets on Mondays in room 228. Join us on Sept 30th for a scavenger hunt, snacks and prizes. 

Queer Straight Alliance (QSA) 🌈

QSA will be meeting this year in room 143 on Thursdays from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM! Come and meet friends, discuss current events, make cute crafts. 

Crochet Club is Back 🧶

Kamiak Crochet Club is back and stronger than ever! This year we will be meeting every other Tuesday from 2-3 starting next Tuesday October 1st. We meet in the Counseling Center, materials are provided and no experience is needed. We are excited to see all of you starting October 1st!

Care Crafts Project Club 💌

The Care Crafts Project Club's mission is to uplift patients by donating handmade cards and crafts to hospitals. We meet 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month in Room 317 @2:10pm-3:00pm

Art Club 🎨

Art Club meets every Thursday in room 143 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM. Join us to make friends, engage in meaningful art prompts with unique materials, and to learn about art opportunities around the school. This year, Art Club is recruiting Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors to fill board member positions for next year. Earn experience needed to apply for scholarships and attain letters of recommendation for your dream career or university. 

Kamiak Companions Unified Club 😊

It's official, Kamiak Companions Unified Club is back! By embracing equity and inclusion, this group creates a safe place to foster friendships for people of all abilities! We meet in room 342 on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 2-3:15pm. Our first meeting in on October 2nd! Join us as we take part in fun group activities, meet new friends, and learn about the diverse interests of others!

Clubs, Activities, and Academic Supports


Senior Class Grad Knight Party 🎓

Tickets are now available for the All-Night All-Inclusive Party for Graduating Seniors on June 13, 2025, following graduation. Click here to view the flyer and learn how to order your tickets for this unforgettable event!


12th Grade Student Guidance Lesson

This week, our Counseling Team met with 12th grade students for guidance lesson activities. In our lessons, we discussed students current academic status (transcripts), and planning for post-high school opportunities, including college, work, apprenticeships, military, etc. Please see the attached materials below to learn more about what we shared with students.

As a reminder, off-campus Running Start students were not expected to attend the senior lessons, and we will send a similar message to your students school email with the materials included here. Students can contact their school counselor if they would like to discuss the materials or identify next steps for their individual plans.

Senior Year Cheat Sheet 2024.pdf
Senior Year Cheat Sheet
265.2 KB

Senior Post-HS Programs.pdf
Senior Post-HS Programs
91.5 KB

Does your student want to meet with their school counselor? Here’s how!

If your student would like to meet with their school counselor or our college and career counselor, there are a couple of ways:

  • To sign-up for an appointment, students can visit our Counseling Office and our office staff will help them schedule a day and time that works for them (based on availability). Students can stop by before or after school, or during lunch to make an appointment.
  • Students can also come see us during their lunch time (no appointment needed). These are drop-in meetings for quick questions (5 minutes or less). Students can also send questions through email and/or Schoology message if they prefer.

School Counselors are designated by student’s last name:

A-C: Kelsey Cummings (

D-H: Alexis Spies (

I-Mh: Sarah Bell (

Mi-Sa: Denise Bathurst (

Sb-Z: Bill Stengele (

Career & College Readiness Counselor: Bryan Stelling (


CCRC News for Week Sept. 30th through Oct. 4th

Attention PSAT Test Takers

Please fill out the Google Form sent to your school email for important PSAT registration information.

College Visits:

  • Willamette University, Tuesday, Oct 1 during 2nd lunch only
  • Pacific Lutheran University, Wednesday, Oct. 2nd both lunches
  • Portland State University, Wednesday, Oct. 2nd 1st lunch only
  • Miami University—Oxford, Wednesday, Oct. 2nd 2nd lunch only
  • Whitworth University, Thursday, Oct. 3rd 1st lunch only

Specific ways the Kamiak Career and College Readiness Center staff can help students:

  • ACT & SAT waivers (for qualified students)
  • Application assistance (college, job, scholarships, etc.)
  • Career assessments (ASVAB, and through School Data)
  • College information and requirements
  • College placement test information (ACT, ACCUPLACER, COMPASS, PSAT & SAT)
  • Community & technical college information
  • Financial Aid information (including information about FAFSA/WASFA and Scholarships)
  • Organize campus visits from college & military representatives
  • Post high school education and training assistance
  • Post high school planning
  • Running Start information
  • Scholarship information
  • Small group workshops (ex. scholarships, college applications, community college information)
  • Sno-Isle Skills Center Information

Stop by the CCRC before school, after school, during your lunch or make an appointment with the Career & College Readiness Counselor, Mr. Stelling.

CCRC Webpage 


Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Commitment To Excellence

Our mission is to be a bridge between our families and our school. We believe that it is through communication and collaboration that we can create a most positive learning environment for our students. Your support and participation is greatly appreciated click below for more information.

Our fundraising provides:

  • Financial scholarships for Kamiak seniors continuing their education beyond high school
  • School grants to help Kamiak HS
  • Staff Appreciation

Save the Date: Next PTO Meeting is October 15

Click below for more information

PTO Information

Kamiak Performing Arts Boosters (KPAB)

Music in Motion

Ten high school marching bands will compete for awards at the Music in Motion Event on Saturday, Oct. 5, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Goddard Stadium. This event is hosted by the Kamiak High School Booster Club. Proceeds benefit the school’s showband. 

Tickets are $15 with discounts available for students and senior citizens. Purchase tickets.

Kamiak Performing Arts Boosters (KPAB)

Kamiak Athletic Booster Club (KABC)

The mission of Kamiak Athletic Booster Club (KABC) is to encourage and support Kamiak High School athletic teams and athletes by serving as a trustee for individual team fundraising and, through fundraising of its own, endeavor to provide student scholarships and help offset the costs of athletic equipment, training, and facility needs. KABC also strives to provide opportunities for positive involvement in the athletic community and foster camaraderie and school pride. Click below for more information.

Kamiak Athletic Booster Club (KABC)

Important Contact Information

Office Hours: 7:00am - 3:00pm

Mukilteo School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, 

race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, 

gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of trained dog guide or service animal and 

provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following 

employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: 

Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Coordinator Simone Neal (425-356-1244),, Section 504 Coordinator Becca Anderson (425-356-1277),, and the ADA/Access Coordinator Karen Mooseker (425-356-

1330), Address: 9401 Sharon Drive in Everett, WA. 

Inquiries regarding ADA/Access issues at Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center should be directed to 

Wes Allen, Director (425-348-2220) Address: 9001 Airport Road 

in Everett, WA 98204.

Jenny Anderberg's picture
Jenny Anderberg
Jenny is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters